Skin discoloration can be triggered by a number of causes, including: Eczema. Causes Of Dark Discoloration Of Hands. Discoloration of the skin on the back – dark (hyperpigmentation) or light (hypopigmentation). The mix should be paste-like. Trauma or injury. Here are some ways to treat African American skin discoloration naturally. Skin comes in all colors, from the palest ivory to the darkest brown and nearly every shade in between.. It commonly affects the elbows, shins, face, scalp, and torso. A lumbar herniated disc is a condition of the lower spine causing low back pain, weakness, or numbness. Darker patches of skin discoloration tend to fade much quicker. Dr. Tinea versicolor is especially common in warm climates and during the summertime. Out-of-the-ordinary skin symptoms on your legs are often a sign of underlying venous insufficiency. Apply this mask on the discolored skin on face and leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it off. A hematoma is a collection of blood in the tissue outside of a damaged blood vessel, usually after an injury. This affects the tone and texture of skin on hands. How to Get Rid of Skin Discoloration on Back, Inner Thighs, Neck and Body. Skin discoloration is a common skin problem, and this can come in the form of white spots, dark spots or other changes in skin color. From birthmarks to conditions such as melasma that we develop later in life as adults, skin discolorations occur in many forms. White spots on skin usually indicate a loss of skin pigmentation, and these may occur as small spots or large patches that may appear anywhere in the body, including the neck, shoulders, upper back, the shins, and the forearms. Sometimes a small area of skin becomes irritated or develops mild eczema, which results in a patch of skin that's lighter in pigment than is the skin … Over time, you will see that the discolored patches are fading away. Skin discoloration, a change in the color of the skin, is caused due to health problems and/or side effects of medications. Read on to know more about its different types and associated symptoms. They may occur as a result of different health conditions, but especially a skin condition known as purpura. Bruises, or contusions, cause skin discoloration, swelling and tenderness. Mottled skin is a term to describe skin that appears to have lacy patches of purple discoloration on it. For a natural scrub, try a mix of baking soda and water. Both tinea versicolor and vitiligo are two of the most common causes of those discoloration marks on your skin. Apply some daily, and gently scrub the skin after this procedure. Livor mortis refers to the bluish-purple discoloration under the skin of the lower body parts due to gravitation of blood after death. Postmortem skin changes include livor mortis, vibices, Tardieu spots, and marbling. In most cases, the skin will indeed go back to its normal skin pigmentation after proper treatment of the tinea. Restoration of normal skin color will occur on its own, but several months will be required to eliminate the skin discoloration. The skin’s surface becomes dry, thick, and scaly. “Skin Discoloration On Back Fungus” Show Me Pictures Of Baby Nail Fungus Using Colloidal Silver On Nail Fungus Is The Fungus That Causes Athletes Foot Heterotrophic. They might appear as lines, small or tiny dots, or large patches. Protection is the key to helping your skin heal as well as prevent further discoloration … Cleaning out your liver this way may allow that brown discoloration on your lower back to right itself if that is, in fact, the underlying cause.