Watering issues are the most common reason for succulents turning brown. A stressed plant in trouble will appear distorted, disfigured or just unwell. Graptoveria becomes root-bound and its normal color changes to red. But you must know what type of stress your succulent and how long it has been facing stress, as some stresses can be very bad. Your email will never be shared nor sold. If your plant's soil is well-draining mix formulated for succulents and over-watering isn't the cause, the problem could be the lighting conditions. When the plant is not receiving regular watering it starts to appear less green and you will notice it turning a different shade. Get to know your plants to know which ones will do well under full sun and which ones to keep in partial shade. Why are my succulents turning red? While stress can bring out amazing colors and beauty in succulents, there are other types of stress to watch out for that signal that the plant is in trouble. In most cases, you don’t need to do anything about it. After I learned more about why succulents change colors, I began to appreciate these color changes more and actually enjoy seeing them in my plants. These Crassula Tetragona ‘Miniature Pine Trees’ are the same way. Think of it as a sun tan rather than a sun burn as Aloe plants will turn a bright red color when given adequate amounts of sunlight for a long period of time, especially during the warm summer months. Some plants grow healthy even under stress. This serves as the the plant’s built-in mechanism to protect it from extreme climate changes such as extreme heat and drought. Some plants need to be watered once or twice a day, whereas succulents and cacti only require a few waterings a week (convenient if you forget to water your plants, like me). Too much water can cause the leaves to swell, become soft and mushy, and eventually fall off. Does this color change have anything to do with the overall plant health? The plants are not being harmed by it but are in fact designed to live under these conditions. Send us an email will try to answer it as soon as possible. Just as succulents stretch out from not getting enough light, they may also lose their vibrant colors. The most appealing feature of succulents is the amazing display of colors. Succulents don’t need to be watered like your ordinary or typical houseplant. The first thing that clicks on your mind after knowing about insect pest attack is “bad stress”. As soon as you reduce the amount of water, the succulent plant will eventually recover. Sometimes, the most beautiful colors in succulents come only when the plant is going through periods of harmless stress. When you think about where succulents come from and how they grow in their natural habitat, it makes sense that succulents seem to grow even more beautiful under stress. You are giving them too much water. By looking closer at your plants and their growth habits you will not take much time to figure out if the stress is good or bad for your plants. There is nothing to panic about. Most succulents come from dry, arid areas and desert conditions. You might have observed one of the common problems with the succulents is that they turn red or change colors. They will continue to grow and reproduce, but unless they get mor… That’s because in their native habitats they grow in poor soil and harsh growing conditions. I also noticed that the leaves and stem are turning red. So, in this way, it sounds like “good stress” because the stress is enabling it to fight the challenges and grow healthy. You do not need to water as much if you live in a humid area or you keep your plants indoors. Feed them less, you will see more vibrant colors come out of your plants. Check out my resource page for fertilizer recommendations. Here we’ll give you a clear perspective of the factors contributing to this color change. Click on my post “How Much Sunlight Do Succulents Need?” for more information on this topic. How To Tell If Your Plant Is In Trouble: Good Stress vs. Bad Stress, Getting to know the type of plant you have will help you determine whether the plant is in trouble or not. Looking to purchase succulent fertilizers? Succulents do not like sitting in soil with wet roots … Do Succulents Bring Good Luck? Lack of water for a prolonged period can turn a normal green looking Jade plant red. Is It The Same As A Cactus?”). Insect pest infestations bring stress. After a while, you would be able to tell the difference. Whether the plant’s leaves or tips turn red or not, in both cases you can sit back, and enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of your succulents. Generally, there is nothing to worry about. the times this was mixed with some cactus/succulent focus feed. It doesn’t mean they aren’t healthy though. A little stress will bring out the reddish tips on the leaves of the plant. We can call this ‘bad stress’ because the plant is actually being harmed and you need to take immediate action to save the plant. Some plants, no matter how much you acclimate them to full sun, will still burn. They come in green, red, dark purple, blue, pink—pretty much every color imaginable. The one with green leaves is in a shaded area and fresh potting mix. You will observe the reddening of tips and leaves every summer if the plants are grown outdoors and exposed to direct sunlight. Like you, I have also wondered why my succulents are turning red or changing colors. save hide report. But prolonged exposure to any of the stresses mentioned above can be damaging to your plants. Refrain from feeding during dormancy or when growth slows down, usually around mid-fall to winter, with a few exceptions. This process of water storage allows the plants to thrive in dry, drought conditions. It doesn’t take much to get to know your plants so you can figure out whether they are under good or bad stress. Whilst I was watering it this time I noticed that some of the leaves had died underneath and the lower leaves are wrinkly and soft. Some plants turn a nice shade of yellow-orange when exposed to full sun, extreme heat and very dry conditions. A little bit of stress can be good for the plant.