I did find a Fill option in "Set Horizontal Alignment", but it did not make the buttons appear. In my case it's redundant, had to create UObject that duplicates data (item name, item class) instead of spawning full actor just to populate the menu. What I have is a simple Obstacle class which is a child of an Actor class.. Now in the scene I have a Blueprint which is a child of the Obstacle class and this Blueprint is placed in the maze. I'm coding a simple maze game in UE4 and I have everything I wanted to implement done except having an obstacle in the scene. Just press “M” and the engine will set the asset’s level as current. I know its a old thread but I had the same sort of problem. Or "Other Actor" is not a Weapon or you setting diffrent object then you expecting, best way to solve this problem is to debug via breakpoints. Create AMyPickup class derived from AActor, set up the mesh and function OnPickedUp. Click events on ListView items Adding click events on ListView items is not as simple as setting up the setOnItemClickListener on the ListView object. To populate the list, create instances of your data object and pass them to TileList->AddItem (instead of creating widget instances) In this tutorial we take a look at how to pickup and drop physics objects using the physics handle component An overview of Blueprint Arrays, including creation, editing, and use. The following example demonstrates how to add, remove, and insert a simple business object in a List. Put a breakpoint on Cast to Weapon (right click the node and you should have option for that), run the game, trigger event and this will stop the game and blueprint will show up with triggered breakpoint. AddToList(item) // or AddTo(list,item) ///// void AddTo(list,item) { list.Add(item); // event … Add sphere component to your character, it will overlap with nearby items. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; // Simple business object. Possibly a stupid question but I'm hoping to create a public Enumerator for "Object Size" for my game where the size of the object correlates to a specific Float Value. I can do it just fine in a Vertical Box, but "Set Size" does not exist for a "Scroll Box". Select object’s level - set as current (M) Forgot which level your selected asset lives in? Then on button press (i assume u have button to collect nearby pickup) use GetOverlappingActors and cast it to AMyPickup, if cast is successful call OnPickedUp That should do Select all (Ctrl + A) Everyone probably knows this one and it might seem like overkill, except if you first hide the unwanted assets and then press Ctrl + A. In "Set Size", yes? I plan on creating a button for each object the player creates with no direct limit, so I need the scroll box to work.. One simple solution is to introduce an Add method for the list in your project and handle the event there. What I did wrong was implementing the wrong interface for my BP List Entry namely: 'User List Entry' instead of the 'User Object List Entry' After implementing/changing this I had used the 'Event On List Item Object" and casted the List Item Object to my own custom ListEntry so I could get the correct values: It requires some additional steps. It doesn't answer the need for an event handler but can be useful for some small projects.